Summer in Canada

Summer in Canada
It's beautiful!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Friday 30 July 2010

Driving from Sudbury to Sault St Marie today, we stopped near Massey and spent a couple of hours at the Chutes Provincial Park. There was a lovely waterfall into a lake where Liam enjoyed a nice swim and after our picnic – dry this time – we had a lovely walk through the forest. We found a small quite lake and sat on a rock in the warm sun just hoping to see a beaver or otter. The water was so still that any ripple would have been visible. But alas, no mammal life was out to enjoy the sun with us.

Arriving in Sault St Marie which is on a short river joining Lake Huron and Lake Superior, the USA is again visible just across the river. It is an industrial, but pretty town all abuzz this weekend with a Finnish festival. This event is held somewhere in North America once every 3 years and includes events like the “Wife carrying race” and for those with large wives – “The wife in a wheelbarrow race!”

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