Summer in Canada

Summer in Canada
It's beautiful!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Shopping this morning and getting the bikes serviced, as well as buying a padded seat cover, we spent lunchtime by the pool and then it was time to pack up again. Meeting Francois at the train station after work, we headed out with Francois, his son Felix and the 2 of us to Renfru past Ottawa for our white water rafting expedition tomorrow.
We had a wonderful sushi picnic supper on route, and had just started eating when the rain came down! Hurriedly packing everything away, it stopped 5 minutes later and we resumed our supper.
We arrived at the white water rafting camp after dark and soon settled into our basic cabin – one room 2 bunk beds. It was gorgeous walking down to the Ottawa river to see the full moon light shining across the peaceful water. The calm before the rapids of tomorrow!

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