Summer in Canada

Summer in Canada
It's beautiful!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Friday 6 August 2010

We discovered some of the most colourful and strange fungi I have ever seen and what has to be the world's largest variety of toadstools and mushrooms. Disconcertingly, there was also much evidence of bears with spoor, droppings, chewed dead wood and many turned over rocks, but luckily this was as close as we got to seeing them.

Arriving at the lake we crept up to it hoping to find our elusive moose, but to no avail. We did however meet some interesting birds and added a few positively identified species to our growing list of sightings.
It was wonderful to be alone to experience this remote wilderness, knowing that you are safe. Not a luxury that is available back home. We stopped at the top of the beautiful waterfall that we can see from our cabin and watched a frog suntanning before being swept downstream!

Six hours later after a slow knee grinding decent, we reached home and hobbled into our cabin, exhausted, but elated by the experiences of the day.

In true friendly North American style we were invited by our neighbours in another cabin to share some chocolate cake that evening to celebrate an 80th birthday. Our international gathering consisted of a couple from Wisconsin, Thomas from Glasgow, Denise from Montana and a couple of locals which made for some interesting conversation. A lovely ending to a remarkable day!

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