Summer in Canada

Summer in Canada
It's beautiful!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Saturday 7 August 2010

Another cold, wet day dawns at Lake Nipigon with temperatures peaking at 10 to 12 degrees! I might as well be enjoying winter in SA! We hibernated indoors until this evening when we ventured out to take a drive down a forest road to the Shadow Creek that we had paddled the canoe up on Wednesday. The late evening - around 9pm, just before sunset is the best time to look for moose.

The road was barren and there has been a lot of recent tree felling so we were not holding out much hope, but the creek was beautiful in the peaceful evening. We stood at the end of the road and soon spotted 2 beavers swimming around in the creek. The water was so still that the slightest movement made ripples easy to detect. We watched them for a while until the warning loud slap of their tails on the water, let us know that we had been detected and they swam for cover.

Scanning the area with binoculars, Liam suddenly spotted a moose grazing on the edge of the forest and with great excitement we watched him for a while. Feeling very grateful that our efforts had been rewarded, we headed for home and lo and behold, a wolf ran across the road in front of us! What an exciting finish to our time in Nipigon.

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