Summer in Canada

Summer in Canada
It's beautiful!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Monday 28 June 2010

The wind was howling this morning as we packed up the car to head East and even Liam nearly got blown away. The 4 hour journey from Quebec City to Edmunston passed uneventfully and with the wind still blowing a gale and the rain beating down, we ordered in and spent the rest of the afternoon and evening watching dvds and relaxing in the room. Our maximum temperature of the day was 10 degrees!

Talking of weather we have dodged some serious weather around Canada. While in Mont Tremblant, Ottawa 100km away experienced an earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale. Luckily no loss of life was incurred. 2 weeks after we left Barrie and Midland where we had spent a few days, a tornado whipped through the town tearing up trees, blowing over trucks and decimating a few houses. Then a few days after we left Toronto, they had a massive storm with 50mm of rain in one hour. Streets were flooded, the subway and airport were closed for a couple of hours and general chaos reigned. We really left destruction behind us!!!

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