Summer in Canada

Summer in Canada
It's beautiful!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friday 10 September 2010

Happy Birthday Christine!! Wanting a different activity today, we chose to try out our skills at boating and set out to Lake Mannewanka where we hired a 16ft aluminium boat with a “putt Putt” outboard and set out with our picnic to explore the lake. Crossing the lake in calm water, we explored the eastern shore looking for wildlife. Then the wind really started to pick up so we found a sheltered bay and had a picnic and relaxed in the boat. No going ashore is allowed by Canada Parks, so we bobbed around just offshore and enjoyed the quiet and remoteness. Apart from an hourly cruise boat that travelled up the western shore there were no other boats on this vast expanse of water.

Then it was my turn to skipper the boat and after a few 360 turns I got the hang of it! We crossed to the western shore and by now the wind was flying through the valley and across the lake. Wet and cold, we endured the hour long trip back to the boat house battered by big waves and howling wind. Back in the warm car, the seat warmer has become my favourite friend in these sub 10deg temperatures!

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