Summer in Canada

Summer in Canada
It's beautiful!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Saturday 4 September 2010

 It was 0 degrees C when I got up this morning and the temperature never went above 9 degrees. It was drizzling and snowing outside, but the snow was melting as it reached the ground. So I decided to hibernate in my cozy cabin and the wood fire going all day.

Liam headed out with a group of other cabin dwellers on a seriously challenging hike, up to the top of the mountain and along a sharp rocky ridge. After 2.5 hours of straight up climbing and an elevation change of 700m, he turned around and headed for home, completing the climb to the top and a 5 hour strenuous hike.

In the afternoon, we were playing scrabble when I heard what I thought was a gun shot. It turned out to be a bear banger. A young black bear had wandered right through the camp just past the cookhouse and had to be discouraged from getting that close again. We watched and waited for a while, but we missed seeing him.

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