Summer in Canada

Summer in Canada
It's beautiful!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday 21 September 2010 - Orcas, Beautiful Orcas

120km up we found the Killer Whales! There was a pod of about 8 whales quite spread out and a couple of large adults with huge dorsal fins. At first they were quite far away, but eventually they passed close by the boat. It was amazing to hear their communication via the hydrophone and to learn that the matriarch of this pod was born in 1947! Each family group has different communication ranges and that’s how researches identify them in the area. You could hear their breathing blows from a long distance away and I was just mesmerized. I have such respect and admiration for these awesomely beautiful creatures. These resident pods are salmon eaters and do not eat seals and other sea mammals like the transient orcas do. Eventually it was time to leave the area and return home.

Coming across the large school of dolphins again on the way back, they were having happy hour and doing sea world type antics and they jumped out of the water doing somersaults and jumps. SEE THE COOL VIDEO CLIP!! After 240km on the sea (that’s a very long way in a boat) and 8 hours in a zodiac, we returned home elated and exhausted.

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