Summer in Canada

Summer in Canada
It's beautiful!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Monday 6 September 2010

The most scenic drive of our trip was today’s blessing as we drove from Hinton through Jasper National park and Banff National Park towards Canmore. The Rocky Mountains exist throughout this area and with aquamarine glacial lakes and rivers, the view is just captivating. We took many scenic stops and many photos. We passed the Athabasca glacier and Columbus Ice Field that we had been on last week and this time the cloud was higher and we got some awesome photos.
 As if this wasn’t enough, in the late afternoon, we came upon many cars parked along the road – reminiscent of the lion sightings in the Kruger Park. Sure enough, there was a black bear, up on a ridge near the road, stripping all the berries off the bushes along the edge of the ridge. We watched him for ages and got some awesome pics from a safe distance!

As everyone moved off, he came out into a clearing and we got a really good look at him. He had a beautiful glossy coat and looked like he was fattening up well for the winter hibernation ahead. It was really special to observe this beautiful creature is his natural habitat, going about the job of eating with such gusto and focused concentration.

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