Summer in Canada

Summer in Canada
It's beautiful!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday 21 September 2010 - Hunting for Whales

It’s boating time again! Today we are spending 8 hours on a zodiac to look for marine life and yes Orcas (Killer Whales). It has been my lifelong dream to see them in the wild. Arriving at the Campbell River Marina, we donned survival suits to protect from the wind and freezing water and grabbing the front seat – the windy, cold one, we set off full of anticipation.

Along Quadra Island we saw harbor seals basking in the sun and a pair of bald eagles as well as spotting a couple of porpoises before they disappeared under the water. AND THEN THE FOG CAME IN! We could see nothing for about an hour as we cruised through the mist, but it gave the adventure an eerie and mysterious feeling and accompanied a reflection calm sea surface. The skipper says he has never seen it so still.

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