Summer in Canada

Summer in Canada
It's beautiful!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Monday 20 September 2010

Setting off early in a boat bound for Bute Inlet on the mainland, north of Vancouver, we cruised by Quadra Island and many other inlets and islands. This coastline is so broken up by inlet and fjords; it is difficult to tell what is mainland and what is island. It was interesting to learn that north of Vancouver; there really is not much on the remote west coast of Canada.
I spent a lot of the trip outside at the back of the boat to view the towering green mountains, waterfalls and river inlets that we passed along our journey, but it was freezing with the wind chill.
After travelling about 32km up the Bute Inlet and passing a remote house and private beach owned by Michelle Pfeiffer, we docked at a pier and boarded a shuttle bus which drove us through the jungle forest to the Orde River. We were on a hunt for wild grizzly bears and this is their natural habitat! No sooner had we set out, than we came across our first grizzly. A beautiful adult that pretty much ignored us and ambled along the river bank. Our group huddled together watching this magnificent creature about 50m away from us.

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