Summer in Canada

Summer in Canada
It's beautiful!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thursday 19 August 2010

Encouraged by the moose sightings of the previous night, we set off for an early morning hike just after sunrise and were creeping through the forest when we disturbed some little animal that scampered into the bushes at a huge speed – a fox or coyote. Other than that we did not come across any other wildlife, but it got darker and darker as time went on and the distant thunder got louder and closer. It started to rain as we reached Kinango Lake and then the lighting got close, so we decided to cut the hike short and head for the car. The forest is not the place to be in a thunderstorm!

In the afternoon, the weather cleared and we had warm sunshine for the first time this week. So we headed for the pool and managed to get a good training session in before sunset.

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